
What's the deal With 🍍 ?!

Pineapple is an internationally recognized symbol of hospitality and generosity of spirit.

It's also a personal symbol of commitment to healthy relationships, for Jared, the founder of Pineapple AF.

He ate so much pineapple over the course of months while in college that he had a medical emergency. It turned out, it was the pineapple. This thing he loved, was hurting him. He had to learn how to come into a healthier relationship with it. :)

This is the spirit of Pineapple AF experiences. Playful & committed to doing the work to create healthy relationships with ourselves & others, within mental health-conscious community.

Founder Story

Hey there, I'm Jared Scheib.

I've come to see Complex PTSD as a useful way to describe my life experience, starting from childhood. Complex PTSD is like working double-time, never feeling fully safe, questioning whether I can trust, struggling with relationships, feeling constantly afraid & haunted. I trace it back clearly to violence, terror, hurt, & overwhelm when I was a kid. I internalized a deep distrust within myself, in response to those external experiences in my formative childhood relationships.

My personal mission has always been to get out of the muck, to heal, believing I could learn to have healthy relationships, to rediscover trust, levity, & wholeness. To love without fear. My life has been dedicated to my healing journey. I've made enormous strides. I've come to see how self-forgiveness is at the root of feeling & becoming whole again. I've finally learned how to forgive myself, to let go, move on, and thrive.

Community has been a cornerstone of my mental health journey. I wouldn't be where I am without the empathetic engagement of thousands of people through the years, allowing me to feel safe to be vulnerable, to bear my soul. Most recently I've found kindred community in NYC.

I founded Pineapple AF to create & foster a safe, transformative community experience to support me and other kindred spirits on our continued mental health journeys toward wholeness.

– Jared Scheib, Founder of Pineapple AF

Meet the rest of our teaM!

Timmy Johnson

Product Designer
"Taking the time to explore different ways to reconnect with myself and others has been KEY in helping me navigate life more positively. I want to help others do the same!"

Lydia Birnbaum

Graphic Designer
"Creative expression cultivates inner joy and mental wellness."


Community Support
"I pine for your happiness :)"

what our coMMunity has said

MegO was a terrific instructor. She led us through a seriesof imaginative, playful exercises that brought the whole group into laughter throughout. I've been glowing for hours since. I loved it. So good to laugh so much with kindred spirits!

Thank you for creating space for us all to come together and curating an experience to practice be mindful and present, and letting go!! I’m grateful to be included, for meeting new people, and for the whole experience.

This was such a fun event! The group was full of friendly people and the instructor was A++! Thanks for hosting this. 😸

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